2021 Auralign Planner Shipping Updates
DEC 22
DEC 18
Hello dear friends, at this time we are facing some shipping delays due to the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on our US Postal System and manufacturers oversees. It appears that at this time, we will not be able to ship your pre-ordered 2021 Auralign Planners until mid-to-late December, rather than early to mid-December, as was promised. This means that the planners will likely not arrive before Christmas.
For all of these reasons, I deeply apologize for any and all inconvenience this presents. I am working very hard to minimize the delay as much as possible to reduce your trouble. I am also in talks with my manufacturer and am keeping tabs on the planners that are on their way to me now. My most recent shipping update is that the planners have arrived at the US Shipping Ports in Los Angeles, CA, passed customs inspections, and are currently waiting to be picked up by FedX to be delivered to me. As soon as they arrive, I will be spending day and night to package and ship your orders out as swiftly and safely as possible.
When your order is shipped, you will automatically be emailed with shipping & tracking information. If you have any questions, please click the ‘Contact Us’ button at the bottom of this page or email us at info@auralignshop.com. I thank you so much for your patience and for your pre-order.
Alina Brown, FNTP Founder - Auralign